Thursday, September 30, 2010


3rd: MJ pg 23 and 24.  15 minutes of math facts.
4th: 2.7 MJ and SL.  Practice math facts for 15 minutes.

Book orders were passed out today.  They are due October 11th.  You can fill them out online or hand them in to me.

Social Studies: TFK worksheet “Join The Debate”.  Most students finished in class.  We will go over this first thing tomorrow morning as a class.

Summer packets were due today.  Many students forgot to bring back their bugs books.  Please return them tomorrow.

Green permission slips are due next Friday, October 8th.  If the fee is difficult for your family,  please feel free to contact Adam, Patricia or me.  We can help you sort it out.

Bring 3 sharp pencils each day.

Read 20/30 minutes.