Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Read 20/30 minutes

Practice math facts for 15 minutes

4th: MJ 1.1

LA: Cover your writer’s notebook with images from the web or magazines that represent you.  Make sure your name is displayed prominently.

LA: Work on your poster—but not too much.  We will do the mini-autobiography as a class tomorrow, so please skip that entirely.  The most important thing to do at home is print off any photos your child would like to include.  Remember, action shots are best!

SS: We discussed class rules today.  Kids broke out into groups and made lists of possible class rules.  Then we met as a class and listed them.  Kids will bring home the whole list of 36 possible class rules that they thought up.  Please discuss as a family which 6 are the most essential for our class.  Student will vote tomorrow.  They will allowed to vote for 6.

Back to School Night is tomorrow (Thursday).  Volunteer sign-up is 6-6:30 .  Teachers talk from 6:30-7:00.  Principals talk from 7-7:30.