Thursday, September 30, 2010


3rd: MJ pg 23 and 24.  15 minutes of math facts.
4th: 2.7 MJ and SL.  Practice math facts for 15 minutes.

Book orders were passed out today.  They are due October 11th.  You can fill them out online or hand them in to me.

Social Studies: TFK worksheet “Join The Debate”.  Most students finished in class.  We will go over this first thing tomorrow morning as a class.

Summer packets were due today.  Many students forgot to bring back their bugs books.  Please return them tomorrow.

Green permission slips are due next Friday, October 8th.  If the fee is difficult for your family,  please feel free to contact Adam, Patricia or me.  We can help you sort it out.

Bring 3 sharp pencils each day.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


3rd: Study math facts for 15 minutes.
4th: 2.6 MJ and SL (Yes, we skipped 2.5 for now). Study math facts for 15 minutes.

Summer Packets: due tomorrow.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Bring 3 sharp pencils every day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


3rd:1.13 HL MJ practice math facts for 15 min.
4th:  2.4 MJ SL practice math facts for 15 min.
Summer packet due Thursday

Read 20/30 min.

Bring 3 sharp pencils

Bring gym shoes   

Monday, September 27, 2010


3rd: 1.12practice 15 min. math facts 
4th: 2.3 MJ and SL 15 min. of math facts
Read 20/30 min.
Summer packet due Thursday

Friday, September 24, 2010


Hi Folks,
This morning we finished creating our videos to explain the results of our second science experiment.  You can view them by visiting our Wiki.  The link is to the right.  In math, 4th graders learned about how mathematics helps in the real world.

This afternoon, we studied punctuation.  It was our first lesson in using quotation marks.  The kids did well.  I asked them to pay attention to quotation marks in the books they read.  This will help them use them in their own writing.  Finally, we learned how to read a newspaper article.  Over dinner tonight, you can ask your child about amphibians.  This was the topic covered in the article we read.

Have a great weekend!
Tom Seley

3rd: 1.9
4th: 2.1 MJ and SL.  2.2 MJ and SL.
Read 20/30 min
3 sharp pencils

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi Everyone!
See you at Back To School Night tonight!

See you there!

Tom Seley

3rd grade math: 1.8
practice math facts for 15 minutes

4th grade math: practice math facts for 15 minutes

Read 20/30 minutes

Bring 3 sharp pencils each day

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peanut Allergy

Hi Folks,
This is just to remind everyone that we have students with peanut allergies in our classrooms.  If you could, please make sure that all foods you give your kids for snack are free of any peanut products/ exposure (made on equipment that also processes peanuts). 

Thank you,
Tom Seley


Hi Folks,
Please check out the math facts page on this blog.  It should be to the left of this post.  The page contains a list of sites kids in 3rd and 4th grade can use to study their math facts.

See you,
Tom Seley

4th: Unit 1 Test tomorrow.  Make sure SL 1.1-1.9 are done.  Practice math facts for 15 minutes.

The Me You See: Due tomorrow.  Most students finished in class.  Some are completing their typing at home.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Back To School Night is tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


3rd: 1.7 HL
4th: Test was moved to Thursday.  Homework tonight is pg 2 and 4 of the review.  1,3, and 5 were due today.

The Me You See: Due Thursday.  Most students finished this in class.  The extra time at home is for students who didn’t finish their typing.

Back To School Night is Thursday.  This is for parents.  Kids do not attend.  See you then!

Read 20/30 minutes.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi Folks,
We had another great day at BCS!  The kids did a great job at the mile run in the morning.  We also met the counselors, learned to send an e-mail, and discussed the importance of word choice in writing.  The days are just packed!

See you,
Tom Seley


3rd:  1.4 HL
4th: 1.8 MJ and SL.  Review due tomorrow.  Unit 1 test on Wednesday.  We discussed study skills today.

4th: Study for Spanish tomorrow.

The Me You See is due Thursday.  We e-mailed them home today.  You can access the student e-mail here:  Click on "staff only" (btw this misnomer is being fixed).  Your child's username is the same as his/her email address.  They should type his/her username at school, then add  Their password is the same as thier login password at school.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Friday, September 17, 2010


3rd: Study math facts for 15 minutes.
4th: 1.7 MJ and SL. Study math facts for 15 minutes.

Show your parents your sound lesson #1 on the class wiki

Read 20/30 minutes.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


3rd: 1.5 MJ and HL
4th:  1.6 MJ and SL.  Practice math facts 15 minutes.

Read at least 20/30 minutes

Bring three sharp pencils

We will get the constitution voting results on Friday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi Folks,
We had another great day today at BCS!  Among other things, we started our sound unit today.  Ask your child what sounds s/he recorded around the school.  They will continue this lesson tomorrow with Mrs. Truesdell because I will be out tomorrow at a district technology meeting.

Have a great night,
Tom Seley

3rd: Practice your basic math facts for 15 minutes.  HL 1.3.
4th: 1.4 MJ and SL.  Also, show your parents what you got on your multiplication and division facts tests.  If your scores are currently less than 80/100 in 5 minutes, please make sure to study these even more.  Practice your basic math facts for 15 minutes.

Newspapers: Due tomorrow.  They must be complete and include photos.  We have worked on these in class for 2-3 hours, so there should be very little work left to do at home.

Tomorrow evening is the ice cream social.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Tomorrow is picture day. Remember to bring your best smile! 

Look at the rules the class brainstormed for our classroom constitution. Have a conversation with your parents about them. Choose the 6 that you think are the most important. We will vote tomorrow morning.

3rd: HL 1.2. Practice math facts for 15 minutes.

4th: 1.3 MJ and SL. Practice math facts for 15 minutes.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Classroom Constitution Brainstorm

1. Turn in everything on time.

2. Keep the room organized.

3. Raise your hand before talking.

4. Walk.

5. Keep trying.

6. Keep track of your stuff.

7. Use an inside voice.

8. Always follow directions.

9. Stay in your seat.

10. Keep your chair legs on the floor.

11. Treat others the way that you want to be treated.

12. Include everyone.

13. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

14. Take turns.

15. Respect others.

16. Share.

17. Always be fair.

18. Respect everyone’s personal bubble.

19. Recycle if you can.

20. Use appropriate language.

21. Let other people think for themselves.

22. Encourage other people.

Friday, September 10, 2010


3rd: 15 minutes of math facts.

4th: 1.2 MJ and SL. 15 minutes of math facts.

The Me You See and The Newspaper will both be completed in class. Please do not work on these assignments at home.

Bring in the photos for your newspaper.

Picture day is Tuesday.

Bring gym shoes for P.E.

Ice cream social is next Wednesday

Read 20/30 minutes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hi Folks,
Today was best day so far!  We read TFK this morning.  The kids enjoyed learning about how scientists are cleaning up the oil spill in the gulf.  We also made signs for our lockers using  The students had to discover on their own how to make their name the biggest of all the words.  If you get a chance, ask your child to help you make a Wordle about yourself.

Have a great evening!
Tom Seley

Please bring in 5 items for our Me You See project.
Read 20/30 minutes
Bring 3 sharp pencils

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hi Folks,
The students were wonderful today.  We learned about each other in the morning by writing an introductory newspaper.  Students will have time to finish this in class, so please don't do it for homework.  We also had our first math class this morning.  The kids were great!

In the afternoon, we talked about the Constitution.  We also started work on our own classroom constitution.  This would be a great topic of conversation at dinner.

Have a great night!
Tom Seley


4th: Have parents sign your SRB Scavenger Hunt.  Find a safe place for your SRB at home.

Blue sheets for this website were due yesterday.  Please turn them in tomorrow.

The Me You See bag: Due Friday.

Read 20/30 minutes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hi Folks,
Today we learned about the school and our classroom.  We wrote about ourselves and we wrote about school.  We also read a book called First Day Jitters.  

See you,
Tom Seley

  • Show your parents your planner.
  • Show your parents this blog.
  • Go over the school rules in your packet with your parents.
  • Get the blog paper signed (lt. blue).
  • Bring 5 items in a zip-lock baggy for The Me You See.  For more complete directions see the white sheet.
  • Bring 3 sharp pencils every day.
  • Read at least 20 minutes (3rd graders) or at least 30 minutes (4th graders).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010-2011 School Year

Hey Everyone!
I am really excited about the upcoming school year.  We are going to have a lot of fun and learn many new things.  I strive to make the classroom an exciting and safe place for the kids to learn.  I also care deeply that each of my students looks forward to school each day.

I am the type of teacher that welcomes e-mail.  If you have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.  For those parents who are returning to our classroom, you already know that communicating with parents is a central pillar to my teaching.  I look forward to hearing from all of you.

I am dedicated to helping your child learn and grow at BCS this year!

Tom Seley